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project / program management


product managment


software engingeering



job function trend

The chart reveals distinct hiring trends across job functions from October to January. Project/Program Management roles saw a significant dip from October (268) to December (174) but rebounded sharply in January (270), reflecting seasonal hiring fluctuations. Product Management roles remained relatively steady, with a slight decline in December (78) and a notable increase in January (158). Software Engineering roles exhibited consistent growth, rising steadily from October (68) to January (301), indicating strong and increasing demand. AI/ML roles, while smaller in volume, showed gradual growth from October (33) to January (65).


experience level trend

The chart highlights a significant surge in job postings for Senior-Level and Mid-Level roles in January, with Senior-Level postings rising dramatically from 78 in October to 332 in January. Mid-Level roles also peaked at 332 in January after steady growth. Entry-Level and Director+ positions saw modest increases, while Intern & Apprentice roles remained limited, with minimal fluctuations throughout the period. Overall, January emerged as the peak hiring month, particularly for experienced professionals.


remote option trend

Hybrid roles consistently dominated the market, starting at 377 in October, dipping slightly in November and December, and then surging to 475 in January, indicating strong demand for flexible work models. Remote roles showed significant growth, starting at 74 in October and rising steadily to 285 in January, reflecting a growing interest in fully remote opportunities. In contrast, On-Site roles remained limited, fluctuating minimally and peaking at only 34 postings in January. Overall, the data underscores a preference for hybrid roles while remote work gains momentum, with on-site options continuing to trail significantly.


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